How to Improve Communication in Marriage

Marriage is an institution ordained by God and the purpose is for a man and woman to come together to live as one, to fulfill God's plan.
But it is often difficult for two person from different background to co-habit without any misunderstanding. This is why, it is very important for couples always to seek ways of improving communication in their marriage.
Here are some ways to improve communication in your marriage.

Believe that your spouse is your partner has given to you by God. Once couples are able to see each other as one because the word of God tells us that "for this reason a man shall leave his parents and cling to his wife and the two will become one" As a matter of importance, couples should learn to practice this in their marriage.
Irrespective of what the circular world says about men or women. Because, there some theories that have been established by psychologists about how individuals behave. You do not have to believe all those theories. Your goal is to believe that your partner is different and you start seeing him or her in that light. Whatever you think of your spouse, they become. Make sure your thoughts towards them are positive, envisage change and it will happen. The law of attraction is applicable here.
Be sincere to your spouse always, whenever there is a feeling of doubt or suspicion, do not allow it creep into your relationship and spoil your joy. Instead, talk your partner about your suspicion. If there is any way you have offended your spouse or gone contrary to some agreed terms between you. Always deem it fit to tell your spouse about it. Do not let your spouses hear about you elsewhere before you explain. Cultivate the habit of telling your partner the truth always. That is one sure way to build trust.
Make yourself accessible to your spouse always. By so doing, your partner will always have the confidence to approach you know matter how ugly the issue may be. Maintain a friendly atmosphere always in your relationship. Always talk things through with your spouse before taking a decision. This shows that you are carrying each other along in the scheme of things.
Do not discuss your partner with a stranger, most couples see this as an act of betrayal. No matter how aggrieved you may be, learn to resolve issues with your partner. Remember, two wrongs do not make a right. Usually, you just have to swallow your pride and be the peace maker.
Finally, make sure you and your spouse knows what you want in your relationship. Once this is established, you will not be easily distracted by any form of misunderstanding whatsoever.
Misunderstanding is bound to come up in a marriage, but couples who prayerfully seek God's guidance will, sustain a good communication in their relationship.
Stephen Enis is an accomplished publisher who dedicates his time to writing helpful articles in all spheres of life. Check out his latest blog where he talks about how he Earns Residual Income From Home.

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