Ways To Excite A Woman And Make Her Ready For Loving

There are various ways to excite a woman. As a man, it will definitely make you feel more confident if you know how you can arouse her so she will be ready and expectant for great lovemaking. The key is to make her desire for you.

Figure Out What She Wants
Not all women are the same. Some women like it rough and tough, while others want it slow and gentle. If you want to stimulate her, you must give her exactly what she wants.
Dress Well And Look Good
An essential factor of attraction and seduction is physical appearance. It would be next to impossible to excite a woman if you do not look desirable. The way you look will play an important role in stirring up her desires. It does not mean you should wear a suit in order to dress and look sharp. What you must do instead is to choose clothes that will flatter your bodily features; clothes that will make you feel confident. Aside from choosing the right clothes, you should also pay attention to your fitness and personal hygiene.
Tell Words That Will Arouse Her
This means you should find your way in talking dirty to her. Talking dirty is far from talking trash that will offend and disparage her. Dirty talks refer to those words that are only meant to be said and heard in private. Walk to her and position your lips close to her ears so that you can whisper words or sentences that will start of her imagination and start to stimulate her even if you have not yet physically done anything. Again, it will depend on what your woman prefers regarding what kinds of words you can use. There are some women who like forceful words, while others prefer the more romantic prose.
Pamper Her Back And Thighs
More often than not, those body parts of a woman that men often do not notice or take regard are the areas in her body that will need some light touching in order for her to be stimulated. Usually, her back and thighs are those parts that you frequently take for granted, but just some light pampering kisses would already be enough to excite her. Aside from kissing these parts, reach up to a higher level by using your tongue to give these areas your gentle and teasing licks.
Watch Stimulating Movies Together
Set a movie night when both of you could just lie on the couch and cuddle in each other's arms. Use this opportunity to play an erotic film on the DVD. Men are not the only visual beings that feel stimulated just by watching. Some women are also like men who get aroused just by seeing the sexual action on tape. After a few minutes, excuse yourself and tell her you will only need to go to the toilet. By the time you come back, she will most definitely be wet, warm and ready.
Do A Longer Foreplay
Foreplay is very important to women. It allows them to relax mentally and physically. Foreplay lets a woman prepare herself for the lovemaking ahead. It helps ease her worries and anxiety. Apparently, foreplay is not limited to a few minutes prior to the sexual act. Instead, foreplay can begin hours before or even during the morning of the evening of your scheduled lovemaking. While on your break in the office, take time to send her a message telling her that you are imagining her and picturing the passionate things you plan on doing to her. Tell her you can hardly wait until you could finally get home and start caressing her.
Her Best Lover Ever can show how you can make your woman experience orgasm. Mastering Her G-Spot is another guide on how to please and satisfy your woman sexually.

How Do I Find Inner Peace With Relationships?

Dear Friend,
... At times it can be very challenging to find inner peace and happiness when dealing with others. However there is nothing more significant in your life than relationships, as without relationships you would have no reference point to grow personally or spiritually.
To maintain peace with others is an art and skill, which can be learned and mastered with practice over time.
It is amazing when we find people, who agree with our beliefs, perspective on life and opinions on different subjects. However often we were, are, and will be in disagreement with others. So how can we maintain our inner peace regardless of the opposite, differing opinions and behavior of other people in order to build long lasting, nurturing, loving, caring and empowering relationships.
Before we can appreciate seemingly negative experiences with others we must understand the significance of them.
For a long time I didn't understand the value of a negative belief, an opposite or differing opinion. I didn't feel comfortable and there was not even the slightest desire in me to appreciate them.
Only recently I came to understand the significant importance of different and even opposing opinions of others. So how do I find inner peace in relationships? Now let's look at 4 TIPS on how to have EXTRAORDINARY relationships and Inner Peace.
#1. Stop Pleasing People
It is a good feeling when you find that other people feel happy and the reason for their happiness is you. However as we all know happiness is a very personal thing and it is independent from others. It is an internal state.
When we start doing everything we can to maintain happiness for others, even for just one person, we are on the way to failure. When you make the other person believe that you are the only source for them to be happy, you are actually taking away not only our own power, but also theirs.
They will demand more, and so blame you for their unhappiness and there will never be enough time or resources for you to maintain their demands. So if you want to make people happy, it is good to inspire, motivate have fun together and enjoy the company, but make them realize that they can find their happiness also without your help and you, so that they can be strong and independent. This is very powerful!
I've seen many relationships fail, when there is one person, who takes and the other, who gives. It should be equally empowering.
The Appreciation:
Appreciate the ability of others to maintain their happiness regardless of your help and you. Appreciate your ability to maintain your own happiness regardless of the help from others.
#2. The Opinions of Other People about You and YOU
I care what people think of me, and it is good to have a reference. However the opinions of others we can't take too personally or we can lose our identity. It is natural to have desire to be loved or liked by others, but in reality there is not a lot that you can do, as the way others see us is all about their perspective and you can't control that.
Often people see themselves in a negative light and for them it can be very hard to project a positive light on others. When we understand this, we also will ONLY care about how we think about others rather than how they think about us.
Once we can maintain our positive thinking and opinions about others, we will also find that people will change their behavior towards us. As a result your success will increase significantly my friend.
The Appreciation:
Appreciate your ability and freedom to maintain a positive opinion of others, regardless of their opinions of you.
#3. When we are Faced with Anger from Others
When other people can't hide their anger towards us, and lash out on us, we feel it, it is our fault. Well we may of course be guilty, however most of the time it is nothing to do with us. It is rather their inability to maintain their own core inner peace, and they are fighting with themselves. When we can stay calm and don't join them in their fight, when we understand this and don't take it personally, with time they will either leave us or not involve us in their fight.
The Appreciation:
Appreciate yourself for being able to understand that the behavior of others is their business and their ability to be at their core peace. Appreciate your ability to be at your core peace regardless of the behavior of others.
#4. Enjoy the Success of Other People.
We are trained and conditioned to compete and it requires a lot of work and adjustment in our thinking to see other people success as a benefit to ours. However in reality life becomes more abundant with success of others, will never hinder your, but rather increase your ability to succeed too.
Once you train your mind to agree with this, you will see yourself succeed as never before. It is the same, when you see others wealthy and look at them with resentment, it is impossible to become wealthy; as your subconscious mind will not let something 'that bad' happen to you. This is how you can break through the limiting beliefs. When you find your heart celebrates the success of another, it is a proof, that you are succeeding or on the way to success yourself. This is how cooperation is so much more INFLUENTIAL and POWERFUL than competition.
The Appreciation:
Appreciate success of others, so that you can open doors to yours too.
... It is good to know that only through diversity of different opinions can we find new ideas, gain clarity about the things we really want. Only with clarity and a strong desire to evolve can we fulfill our destiny. So it makes good sense to appreciate this diversity and maintain our positive, peaceful approach towards others all the time.
With practice comes mastery.
For the next week see how you can see only the best qualities in others, appreciate people where they are now and train your mind to see the best characteristics in them, even when you can't see them at the moment. Don't take it personally, when they lose their balance. This is the way you will find freedom, strength, inner peace and power in relationships.
These tips will not only make you an extraordinary person, but also inspire others to become the best they can.
Let's do this together.
Now is your turn, please share your thoughts, concerns or stories in the comment section below. I'd love to hear from you!
Solvita Bennett at http://www.positivecalm.com is sharing her wisdom with people from different backgrounds to find their Inner Peace and Happiness. With more than 20 years of study and practice of Personal Growth coupled with more than 10 years experience in professional teaching gives her the ability to share her 'Secrets to Inner Peace' in a Simple, Easy and Practical way.

How to Improve Communication in Marriage

Marriage is an institution ordained by God and the purpose is for a man and woman to come together to live as one, to fulfill God's plan.
But it is often difficult for two person from different background to co-habit without any misunderstanding. This is why, it is very important for couples always to seek ways of improving communication in their marriage.
Here are some ways to improve communication in your marriage.

Believe that your spouse is your partner has given to you by God. Once couples are able to see each other as one because the word of God tells us that "for this reason a man shall leave his parents and cling to his wife and the two will become one" As a matter of importance, couples should learn to practice this in their marriage.
Irrespective of what the circular world says about men or women. Because, there some theories that have been established by psychologists about how individuals behave. You do not have to believe all those theories. Your goal is to believe that your partner is different and you start seeing him or her in that light. Whatever you think of your spouse, they become. Make sure your thoughts towards them are positive, envisage change and it will happen. The law of attraction is applicable here.
Be sincere to your spouse always, whenever there is a feeling of doubt or suspicion, do not allow it creep into your relationship and spoil your joy. Instead, talk your partner about your suspicion. If there is any way you have offended your spouse or gone contrary to some agreed terms between you. Always deem it fit to tell your spouse about it. Do not let your spouses hear about you elsewhere before you explain. Cultivate the habit of telling your partner the truth always. That is one sure way to build trust.
Make yourself accessible to your spouse always. By so doing, your partner will always have the confidence to approach you know matter how ugly the issue may be. Maintain a friendly atmosphere always in your relationship. Always talk things through with your spouse before taking a decision. This shows that you are carrying each other along in the scheme of things.
Do not discuss your partner with a stranger, most couples see this as an act of betrayal. No matter how aggrieved you may be, learn to resolve issues with your partner. Remember, two wrongs do not make a right. Usually, you just have to swallow your pride and be the peace maker.
Finally, make sure you and your spouse knows what you want in your relationship. Once this is established, you will not be easily distracted by any form of misunderstanding whatsoever.
Misunderstanding is bound to come up in a marriage, but couples who prayerfully seek God's guidance will, sustain a good communication in their relationship.
Stephen Enis is an accomplished publisher who dedicates his time to writing helpful articles in all spheres of life. Check out his latest blog where he talks about how he Earns Residual Income From Home.

Good Wife VS The Beset Wife (17 Differences)

Small differences lead to big results. The results which distinguishes 'the best' from 'the good', glean the pearls of happiness from the grounds of disappointment, turn a normal morning into a good morning.

Good housekeeping, delicious cooking, and warm moments aren't the specific factors that make you the best wife in the eyes of your husband. These are the qualities of a good wife, and their husbands definitely love them because of their these qualities.

But, you not only want him to love you. In fact, you want him to worship you with love and keep you as a queen forever.

You want to become "the best wife". 

What if I tell you, for being the best wife, you don't need to work 24/7 as a housewife? 

What if I tell you, you don't need to keep him happy all day? 

What if I tell you, you don't need to worry about other women? 


Yes. It's true! What I have mentioned is true... You just need to dominate small differences to create big results. Small differences make you seem as the best wife by exceeding your husband's expectations. 

Below are some examples for you.

1. A good wife gives her husband the feelings of security by showing him that she is capable of everything, whereas the best wife gives her husband the feelings of "Protector" by displaying that he is powerful and she needs his help. Consequently, he protects her throughout his life and cares about her every need. 

2. A good wife often highlights her accomplishments in front of others... The best wife mostly highlights ‘His’ accomplishments and let others know that she is proud of him. 

3. A good wife tells the partial truth for keeping the relationship secure and happy. On the other hand, the best wife tells the complete truth. She describes 110% of the situation and asks for her husband's help too.

4. A good wife explores her husband's complex feelings as soon as she can... The best wife gives her husband some time alone, because she knows that he needs peace, not talking, when his feelings are complex... "A man can't function at his peak if he doesn't have any time alone in peace." 

5. A good wife makes her husband fall in love with her only through household works, whereas the best wife can jiggle his heart with love through a simple blush. She doesn't rely on a single method, and holds several weapons of attraction. 

6. A good wife stays with him during his hard times, but on the other hand, the best wife takes action to end his hard times and boosts his positivity by motivating him. 

7. A good wife gives him a compliment on special occasions... The best wife gives him compliments daily and keep his feelings dynamic. 

8. A good wife judges her husband's love through his words, whereas the best wife judges his love through his "Actions". 

9. A good wife keeps herself like a 'Princess'... The best wife keeps herself like a 'Queen'. She shows her authority, she lives by her own rules, and her time is always more valuable than others. 

10. A good wife focuses on being sexy, whereas the best wife focuses on being gorgeous.

11. A good wife respects him as a husband... The best wife extremely respects him as the 'King' - especially in front of others. 

12. A good wife watches the sunset with her husband at the seaside... The best wife not only watches the sunset at the seaside but also have a sand castle competition with her husband. She gleans the seashells, clean them, take them home, and decorate them in her room, and keep the romantic memory alive forever. 

13. A good wife celebrates the birthday, whereas the best wife celebrates the birthday week! 

14. A good wife tries to bring excitement into her relationship by doing the expected things... On the other hand, the best wife does things "UNEXPECTEDLY". Her ideas for romance are most outrageous, fun, and unpredictable. Consequently, the excitement stays alive all the time and her husband feels lively throughout the relationship. 

15. A good wife knows that her husband's favorite color is blue... The best wife knows that her husband's favorite color is ‘Royal Blue' – which moves closer toward the purple. Plus, her husbands like ‘Ultramarine Blue' and ‘Oxford Blue' too. The best wife knows her husband's choices and likes on a deeper level. 

16. A good wife mostly stays humble during sexual moments... The best wife doesn't hesitate to take charge during sex. She also does very unusual, fun things for electrifying the moments of sexual desire. For example: she wears different hats, have sex fully clothed, play sex board games, or make a ‘Sex Contract' every month just for having fun.

17. A good wife is a housewife, whereas the best wife is the ‘Home Maker'. 

So, it really feels good to grow, and it feels good to become the best. You don't have to take part in a war, or play politics, for being the best. Just a few small changes can make you the best wife, and make your man worship you whole life.

Author Bio:

Bill Hamilton is a BIG thinker. He loves coming up with new ideas and figuring out how to apply them. He works with individuals, couples, and entrepreneurs to help them accomplish their ambitions.

Want to learn more from Bill Hamilton? Get "21 Crazy Ways to Create Attraction" at his blog: http://www.beingelite.com/

According to Bill Hamilton, "Brilliant books always lead to a wonderful life."

Friendship and Love

Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differences between friendship and love? Is platonic friendship possible between persons of opposite sex? Let us try and understand.
What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? 

If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends.
What about love? 

In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above are taken for granted. But love transcends all this. During love, we are attached with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. Friendship does not have that. This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the specie can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship.
Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. You will not lie awake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you don't meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But in love, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no comparison between love and friendship.
The author likes to write articles. The author also writes text messages and advises for internet and social networking content like MySpace surveys and love quizzes.

What is the True Meaning of Love in a Relationship?

Can anyone define the true meaning of love in a relationship? People often use the word "love" casually in everyday conversation. "I love this house. I love my dog. I love to grow vegetables." What does this really mean? When we use this word so often does its meaning become watered down so it has less impact? Different people may define love in different ways.
Could love be defined as simply to want and hope the best for someone? This is fairly simplistic and not very deep. If this was the definition of love can it explain the deep emotional bond that two people have with each other; those that commit themselves to one another for a lifetime? Not likely. You can want and hope the best for dozens of people that you know. Does this mean you are "in love" with them? This may be too simple to define the true meaning of love in a relationship.

If you say you are in love with someone does that bring forth certain assumptions about your feelings for that person? When people say they are in love we assume that they care for, share with and trust the other person. Are these three things the basis for defining love?
Sometimes that fine line between friendship and love becomes difficult to distinguish. Think about the different aspects of the definition of love that I've listed already - to want and hope the best for someone; to care for, share with and trust someone. These things could define friendship as well, couldn't they? If we use the same words to define love and friendship then how can we distinguish between the two?
I think the definition of love goes much deeper than what is mentioned above. These critiria are components of love but they do not fully define it. There is something else that makes up the true meaning of love in a relationship. This may be something intangible; a feeling that you have that can't be accurately described in words. In any relationship you can develop and work on the caring, sharing and trust. You can't force that special feeling that you have when you are truly in love with someone. It's either there or it isn't.
Are you interested in learning more about love and relationships? Click here to receive useful information to help you better understand relationships: Loves True Meaning
Peter Harris is a health care professional and author and writes frequently about relationships.

3 Simple Ways to Please a Woman in Bed

Q: What do women REALLY want in bed? What turns them on? What turns them OFF? Do women have the same sort of sex fantasies than men do... or is there are totally different sort of sexual dynamic going on when it comes to what they want from intimate experience?
The funny thing is, no matter how much we seem to grow as a culture, and no matter how much technology, evolution and other advances we make as a species, it seems like SEX, and questions and conundrums about EXACTLY what each gender wants from the other remain the biggest mysteries we have left... :-)
Nowhere is the whole "Men are from Mars... Women are from VENUS" ideology more obvious than when it comes to one of the most important areas of our relationships... 

And while men and women seem to enjoy sex an equal amount, the type of sex, and the things we incorporate into the idea of good (or great) sex are often entirely different.
As a matter of fact... 
If you look at the major studies that have been done on both male and female sex fantasies, it becomes readily obvious that the genders differ in HUGE ways (no pun intended:-) when it comes to what we perceive as sexual turn no's.

For example?
Men are almost 100% physically and visually driven during sex... and things like "setting" or "story" or even emotional connection play a very small role in how they rate how good (or bad) a sexual experience is.
Women on the other hand... are 100% different.
How so?
Most women rate 3 things as MOST important when it comes to rating their enjoyment of a good sexual experience.
1 - Emotional connection. This can be defined as feelings of comfort or connection, deep friendship or infatuation and quite often, the most obvious aphrodisiac... LOVE. Interestingly, women rate LUST as a" non emotional connection", whereas men believe it's a big one. (not to say women don't WANT lust... but rather, they differentiate between feeling lust physically, and emotionally)
2 - Communication. Believe it or not, women want to communicate with you during sex. We may want you to say their names. We may want you to ASK what we want you to do. We may want you to talk to us AFTER sex is over... and before, and during as well.
IF you truly want to learn how to stimulate a woman's erogenous zones in a smooth way, learning how to communicate during sex is one of the biggest turn on's there is, and one of the most universal ways most of us FEEL sexy as well, which is a key piece of the passion puzzle as well.
(much better than a man who says nothing... and only talks with his body)
Men tend to be NON communicative in most areas of life, but when it comes to SEX, most men WILL speak up.
On the other side of the street... women tend to KNOW what they want from sex, but occasionally... due to cultural conditioning, feel funny speaking up, or saying it, or telling a man EXACTLY what she needs to be pleased. (even though she's dying for you to do it..:-)
3 - Experimentation and Adventure. Almost ALL women want sex to be an exploratory thing. We want to feel like our boundaries are being pushed... as well as our bodies. Learning how to explore and experiment with new things together can make a "shy" girl show off her inner sexual superhero... and because so few men actually initiate experimentation in bed, if YOU do... you'll find yourself scoring major passion points for sure.
Of course it's important to ask her what she likes (see #2) and not just assume she wants to experiment with or explore the same things you do. But if she's like many of the women out there who may NOT tell you without being asked, I think you'll be pleased with the response!
Lastly, of course most women appreciate a man with a great body, who is fit and "fits" well with her physical needs too, but the 3 simple tips above are pretty universal and ANYONE can learn them... regardless of what you look like, with your clothes on or off as well!
Want PROOF? Click Here to Increase Penis Size BY 25% in LESS than 60 days. (all from home)
The LAZY man's strategy for becoming a SUPERHERO in the sack... 100% guaranteed!

Love Tips for Women - How to Find Love In This Crazy World

Does it sometimes feel like it is next to impossible to really find love in this crazy, mixed up world? I can relate to that and so can a lot of people. It seems sometimes that everyone is out for themselves or they want to play games or maybe you find that you keep meeting guys who are only interested in one thing. Well, that may be the way that it seems to be for you right now - but that doesn't have to be the way that it stays for you.
Here are some love tips that will help you find love in this crazy world:

1. The best thing that you can do is to learn what it is that you really want in a relationship.
The word love is too abstract to really identify what it is that you want. It is subjective, it means many things to many different people. What you need to do is to tap into what it really means to you and what it is that you want in a relationship. You can't expect to find it if you are not sure what it really is. Take the time to do this, even if it seems hard or tedious. It's really worth it to explore yourself and to figure out exactly what YOU are looking for.
2. Don't accept less than what you want.
A lot of women end up doing this and what happens? They pay the price in some way. They end up in a relationship that sucks the life out of them. They end up with a guy who treats them badly and they just put up with it. Or, they end up with a guy who makes them wonder, what if they had done things differently. Meaning, they end up with regret. You don't want to have to go through that, do you? If not, then don't accept less than what you want, even if that means that it takes a little bit more time to find the right man.
3. It's much easier to find love when you are actively pursuing it.
I don't mean that you should approach every cute guy and hope that he is the one. I mean that you have to take opportunities to get out and mingle with single men. You can't expect to find someone to be with if you are not out there where they can find you, can you?
Now,  are you ready to attract love into your life right now? Go to: Love Advice for Women Only to find out what else you should do.