A lot of men complain about a lack of sex in their life. They complain about it when they are single and they still complain about when they are in a relationship. Listen to most men and you might start to believe that women just aren't as sexual as men are. You'd be wrong, though. In my experience, women ARE just as sexual as men, even more so a lot of the time. The problem that most guys have is that they have no idea on how to awaken that part of a woman and so, they get nothing.
That doesn't have to be the way that it is. You can become the guy who knows exactly what to do to trigger her sexually and awaken that natural appetite that she has. When you do that - you can make her literally long for you. You can make her literally feel sexual the moment that she is around you. You'll never be one of those guys who complains about women not being sexual again. You'll know the truth.
Here are 3 curious tips that can awaken a woman's sexual desire:
1. Tap into her sense for wanting connection.
I'd say that this is one of the main reasons why most guys don't get laid that often. They think of it as being more of a thing that they do, rather than an activity that they share. Women think of it as an activity that they share with someone, a connection that happens to be sexual. She wants that feeling of connection and if you know how to give her that feeling - you can make her want you to be with her intimately.
2. Use the art of eye contact to penetrate her soul.
Eye contact is amazingly powerful when it is done right. When it is done wrong - it can backfire on you and make you seem like a creepy kind of guy. When it is done right, she'll feel like you are penetrating her soul in a GOOD way. And she'll reciprocate. She'll do the same thing to you. You'll start to breathe in unison. You'll start to feel like you are becoming one with one another.
3. Lead her but don't dominate her.
Another mistake that most men make is that they try to be dominant in the bedroom a lot and that isn't quite what you want to do. It's much better to be a leader, and a leader doesn't have to dominate. What you need to do is to guide her and make her feel safe and protected all at the same time. Not only will she awaken sexually, but you may find that she winds up feeling totally free with you for the first time in her life.
Are you read to become the sex god women want and discover how to attract and seduce women like a natural? Go to: Female Seduction Secrets to find out exactly what it is that you need to do.
Copyright (c) 2013 Chris G. Tyler. All Rights Reserved.