How to Trigger a Woman's Sexual Appetite - 3 Curious Tips to Awaken Her Natural Desire

A lot of men complain about a lack of sex in their life. They complain about it when they are single and they still complain about when they are in a relationship. Listen to most men and you might start to believe that women just aren't as sexual as men are. You'd be wrong, though. In my experience, women ARE just as sexual as men, even more so a lot of the time. The problem that most guys have is that they have no idea on how to awaken that part of a woman and so, they get nothing.
That doesn't have to be the way that it is. You can become the guy who knows exactly what to do to trigger her sexually and awaken that natural appetite that she has. When you do that - you can make her literally long for you. You can make her literally feel sexual the moment that she is around you. You'll never be one of those guys who complains about women not being sexual again. You'll know the truth.

Here are 3 curious tips that can awaken a woman's sexual desire:
1. Tap into her sense for wanting connection.
I'd say that this is one of the main reasons why most guys don't get laid that often. They think of it as being more of a thing that they do, rather than an activity that they share. Women think of it as an activity that they share with someone, a connection that happens to be sexual. She wants that feeling of connection and if you know how to give her that feeling - you can make her want you to be with her intimately.
2. Use the art of eye contact to penetrate her soul.
Eye contact is amazingly powerful when it is done right. When it is done wrong - it can backfire on you and make you seem like a creepy kind of guy. When it is done right, she'll feel like you are penetrating her soul in a GOOD way. And she'll reciprocate. She'll do the same thing to you. You'll start to breathe in unison. You'll start to feel like you are becoming one with one another.
3. Lead her but don't dominate her.
Another mistake that most men make is that they try to be dominant in the bedroom a lot and that isn't quite what you want to do. It's much better to be a leader, and a leader doesn't have to dominate. What you need to do is to guide her and make her feel safe and protected all at the same time. Not only will she awaken sexually, but you may find that she winds up feeling totally free with you for the first time in her life.
Are you read to become the sex god women want and discover how to attract and seduce women like a natural?  Go to: Female Seduction Secrets to find out exactly what it is that you need to do.
Copyright (c) 2013 Chris G. Tyler.  All Rights Reserved.

Relationship Advice - How Do You Know If It Is True Love?

The word "love" is thrown around so easily these days that it's hard to know when someone actually means it. When a person says they love you, does that necessarily mean that it's true? Instead of relying on a person's words, you have to look at their actions to see whether or not they truly love you or are just trying to control you.
You have heard the saying that "actions speak louder than words". This is especially true when it comes to a love relationship. A person can tell you they love you like no other, but if they treat you terribly then it isn't real love. It would be like someone saying they love animals and then turning around and kicking a dog. Words mean nothing without the appropriate action to back them up. In fact, if you have ever known someone who was in an abusive relationship, their partner commonly tells them they love them and then hurts them physically or emotionally. That is a form of control, not love.
Respect is another important part of true love. If a person treats you with respect, then that is a sign of a true loving relationship. However, if a person only treats you with respect when it suits their own personal needs, then it is not coming from love.
A relationship should involve equal partners who are both getting what they need. If your relationship seems very one-sided, then that is not a good sign. Both partners should be putting in 100% of their energy to making sure the other person is happy and fulfilled in the relationship. If this isn't happening, then one person is taking way more from the relationship than the other person is receiving. Selfishness has no place in a real, loving relationship.

Even though saying "I love you" doesn't make it so, people who are really in a loving relationship tell each other that phrase all the time. They can't imagine life without the other person, so they always make sure to express their love in words and actions on a consistent basis.
In the end, you know deep down whether or not your partner really loves you from the depths of their own soul. Would they go to the ends of the earth for you? Would they protect you? If there is any question about whether your partner would always be there for you, it is very likely you are in the wrong relationship.
What is at the base of any problems you are experiencing with your relationship? Do you doubt your partner's love? If so, maybe you really need to get control of what you are telling yourself... and why!
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found the principles to help you get to the root causes of your crisis.
The solution is not in the endless volumes of information you find across the internet, or the advice your friends give... it's in yourself; the thoughts that make you who you are.

Relationships Can Last

Really? Is it possible for relationships to last forever? Well, at least till death? Though not usually the case especially in this century, it is possible. I've read stories of couples staying together till old age.

No human beings are exactly the same - physical much more in their personality. Even identical twins will have different personalities. So how can two human beings who are very different from each other stay together for the longest time? It can't be love because love too fades away in time.
To make relationships last takes a lot of work, a lot of hard work! But once you commit to doing the hard work, you reap the benefits of the joys of a healthy and lasting relationship. Following are some suggestions which single moms thinking of going back to the dating world hoping to be successful in a relationship the 2nd time around can use.
Commit to knowing your special someone. 
Commit to change your perspective. It is not about you, it is all about him. To understand him better you have to know him well. Knowing him well will free you from getting hurt or offended by his actions. You also will be able to easily find ways to please him. You will be able to anticipate his next move or his reactions. Commit to knowing all you can about him - his interests, goals and dreams and even his past (if he wants to share the most sensitive issues of his life and even his secrets).
Strive to be his best friend. 
Build trust and confidence then you will not have difficulty getting him to talk and knowing his secrets. Respect him and always be available to listen. You will then notice that he will turn to you for advice. He will open his thoughts to you and you are now his confidante.
Always keep the line of communication open. 
In any relationship, an open communication is the key to a lasting relationship. We do know that women talk more than men do. So, please give the time and opportunity to him. Let him talk and lend him your ears. Your role now is to listen, contemplate and understand. Let him finish before talking or asking for clarifications. If he does not want to speak, read his actions. Remember, our first suggestion is committing to knowing him. So if you know him, you will be able to hear and understand unspoken words.
Settle differences as soon as you can. 
You and your special someone may have a lot of common interests but that is not enough for your relationship to last. Common interests will make your relationship fun and exciting during the initial stage but you are bound to have some differences in the future. When this situation happens, commit to settle the issue like adults - no shouting, name calling, cursing. Talk about it when you are both calm and are able to listen to reasons. But you need to do this as soon as you can because if you don't, differences will become like the plaque of your teeth. If not settled soon enough, differences will turn into serious problems.
Both of you must commit to make the relationship last. 
It takes two to tango. Both of you must be committed and dedicated. Your relationship requires more dedication than a job or a career. You must passionately strive to work at your relationship. No relationship will last if only one party does the job. The person who does the work will soon wear out and lose his/her passion.
Keep the excitement and romance alive. 
Keep impressing him. Always be in the attitude that everyday is your first date - best foot forward! Men become romantic if we teach them how. As respect begets respect, so does romance. Shower him with gifts, send him flowers for a change. Keep doing new and exciting things. Keep him guessing on what you have prepared for your special occasions. He will soon get the hang of it and will want to surprise you too.
Join me at where you can interact with other single moms, read articles that will motivate you, help you cope with the challenges of a single mom and more.

Tap into the Mysteries of a Love Horoscope

Falling in love can be fun and adventurous and sometimes love can be confusing and challenging. Have you ever wondered if your love life is affected by something greater? Maybe your love life is not controlled by you at all. Astrology has shown to play a big part in the way our lives play out and the way the stars line up may very well have an impact on your love life! That is why it is fun to read free love and romantic horoscopes.

Just by entering your date of birth on free horoscope website, you can find out what lies in store for you. Horoscopes can be extremely accurate and many people cannot believe how the results are so close to what is really going on in their lives.  There are lots of free love and romance horoscopes that you can read. By finding a reliable source, you can gain an insight on what path your love life may be about to take. If you are unsure about what step to take next in your relationship or if you are wondering if you should pursue a new love interest, getting your free romantic horoscope may answer some of your questions. A lot of people are not convinced until they actually start reading their weekly romantic horoscope and then they realize that the horoscopes are more accurate then they had expected.

For years, people have been looking to the stars for directions. Whether it is looking for the North Star or looking for a full moon, stars and astrology have been an important resource for many people. If you think about it, the science of astrology is amazing. The fact that there are so many constellations and planets in outer space can leave anyone feeling that we are such a small fraction in this universe and that there has to be some sort of greater force out there. So it is no surprise that people are excited about what the stars can say about different aspects of their lives. Not only can your love life be guided by the stars but so can your finances, career, health, family relationships and much more. If you are curious and never have read your horoscope before then you may be pleasantly surprised to learn what they can say about you and your life. Maybe you are wondering if now is a good time for a romantic get-a-way, or if tomorrow is going to bring a better day for romance, often horoscopes can give you some idea of what is coming your way.

If you are not convinced that horoscopes can predict your futureArticle Submission, reading your weekly love horoscope can just be a fun way of lightening up your week. Most free love horoscopes can be accessed easily and often a new horoscope can be delivered straight into your email inbox daily or weekly. There is no harm in reading your free love horoscope and you never know you just may learn something! 

Article Tags: Love HoroscopeFree Love
Source: Free Articles from

Does He Really Love Me? Practical Tips To Tell If He Loves You (It's Time to Decide!)

Who else is going through some relationship insecurity? Are you starting to doubt whether or not your man really loves you as much as you do him? Or maybe you are starting to find yourself getting jealous for reasons you aren't entirely sure are real? Maybe your relationship brings out the WORST qualities in you as a result... and starts forcing you to question yourself, and your self worth, and your ability to even "be loved" at all?

The simple truth is, for millions of women... if you are in a relationship that does NOT have equal reciprocity and emotional clarity of communication, there is a long downward spiral of self doubt and fear that if you're not careful... CAN have long lasting and disastrous results.
In my own life, as a relationship author and coach, as well as an emotional intuitive, I often see women who begin with just a little bit of a crack or a crease of uncertainty... and watch as that little bit of doubt blooms and blossoms into a full blown crisis or catastrophe.
And the real unfortunate thing is, when one relationship breaks off unexpectedly, or leaves one party surprised and shocked at the quickness of it's end... it can have long lasting, often incredibly destructive and ultimately life changing effects on YOUR ability to love again in the future. (Or worse still, the ability to actually BE loved, something that you truly must manifest and cultivate if you want the real deal and authentic emotion, and something that's impossible to "earn" if you are constantly worried about being left behind... yet again).
Okay - with that being said, the simple truth is THIS:
There ARE very simple, very straightforward and very easy ways to understand exactly what your man feels about you, and using that information to make good life decisions for yourself going forward.
Let's look at a few of them:
1 - How jealous is he? How possessive is he? How closely does he keep his eyes on you... when you move away from his orbit?
The truth is, while jealousy is really NOT a great quality in a man, it IS in fact, one of the most simple signs that he is emotionally invested in both YOU, and the relationship. Simply stated, a man who is NOT in love with you... is NOT going to be authentically jealous or interested in where you are, and who you are with. He may be ego attached to where you are, but he won't be authentically and emotionally invested in worrying about what you are doing when you are not around. In some respects, when wearing my "intuitive" hat, the more emotional energy I see i the aura of a man around jealousy... the more I can tell how much he really cares about the woman he's with.
2 - Understand the karma of your connection. Do you feel one? Does there seem to be a serendipity or a "reason why" you are together that defies logic? Often times my readers will tell me crazy cool stories about how they met their man... and the various things they went through to sort of make the relationship work. These are often the BIGGEST and best signs that a man is the RIGHT one for you... and that there are strings in the fabric of your life that are being pulled to keep you together, even now. And while this may SOUND like ti's a bit too spiritual or new age for many, the simple truth is, I've seen it with hundreds and hundreds of couples: The more they feel like they are meant and DESTINED to be together, the more underlying long lasting love there is between them, even when YOU wonder about it the most.
Lastly, I'll leave you with this:
I believe that every single relationship you have is meant to serve a purpose. And that every person comes into your life to add to the puzzle that is YOUR life. There is never a need to grieve, or fear, or languish in depression when the unexpected happens, because the simple truth is, there are no unexpected happenings...) It may sound trite... but it's true: Everything happens for a reason. And each of us has a perfect partner. Trust in THAT... and let your spirit lead the way.
Click Here ====> for the #1 Way to Find Out If He Loves You... WITHOUT Begging for Answers or Embarrassing Yourself Ever Again.
Struggling to Find True LOVE? We'll Help You Find YOUR Karmic Connection. Turn Your Pain into POWER!

Does Sex Really Begin in the Kitchen?

How does this idea of "sex begins in the kitchen" work? We know it doesn't mean getting creative with the utensils and appliances, but what does a woman mean when she says romance begins elsewhere than the bedroom?
These may be difficult things for men to really understand, but that shouldn't stop us trying. A husband with potential is the desire of just about every woman's heart. 
Ideally, on the other hand, the wife who is the desire of a man's heart doesn't require him to change, but supports him as he tries.

So the picture we are developing is of a husband who is committed to learning and becoming better, with a wife who is committed to extending grace, never requiring change. Those two things in tension give the marriage a substance of mutual submission.

The husband submits himself to God, and to his wife, in learning to serve her. The wife submits herself to God, and to her husband, by allowing him to grow without forcing matters.

Both are required to submit. Marriage is about mutual submission.

But let's get back onto the subject of sex - and its imminence emerging from the kitchen.


Love can begin in the kitchen or in the laundry or out in the yard, simply through the act of service; the husband plies his skill and uses his humble strength to work diligently.

It may be an old-fashioned value, but women love working men; not necessarily blue-collar men, but the willingness of a man to lead his family in cheerfully doing the tasks of the home.

Tasks like ironing, washing up, cooking, vacuuming, etc, may once have been the domain of the woman. But now no more. The issue is more about the willingness of the husband to pitch in. His heart is to help.

A woman knows she's loved when her husband seeks to please her because he loves her. This is an act of faith for the husband, because when he does nice things for his wife she is romanced. He must be genuine, committed, sincere.

The husband never does these nice things for his wife for his personal gain. He must do them sacrificially. Wives can smell a fraud from a mile off.


Wives desire a sincere, thinking husband, who is willing to sacrifice himself in doing tasks around the home, and being actively involved in his family. When a husband acts with such integrity his sexual relationship with his wife will usually have more mutual joy and satisfaction about it.

© 2013 S. J. Wickham.

Acknowledgement: to my wife, Sarah.

Steve Wickham is a Baptist Pastor and a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

Relationship Advice for Men - Creating a Better Relationship With Your Girlfriend

If you are currently involved with a woman, you probably are hoping that things are going to work out for the best and you are probably hoping that both you and she are going to be happy being with one another. For that reason, you might be open to hearing some tips or advice on how to create a better relationship with your girlfriend so that you have that peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are doing the right things to have a better future with one another.

Here are some tips that will help you if you want to create a better relationship with your girlfriend:
1. Make time to listen to what your girlfriend has to say about the relationship.
You don't want to become one of those guys who will tune out his girlfriend when she is identifying areas of the relationship that she would like to improve and then find out that she ends up becoming totally unhappy with you, do you? A good way to make sure that this does not happen is to actively listen to her and make time to allow her to vent whatever it is that she might need to vent. That way, you are not in the dark about the way that she is really feeling.
2. Be vocal about the way that you feel about her.
What woman doesn't want to hear what their boyfriend has to say about how he feels about her, especially when we are talking about good things? If you feel like you love her, tell her that. If you feel like hanging around with her is a lot of fun, make sure that she knows that. You have to become vocal about the way that you feel about her because you don't want to leave her guessing... she might guess wrong about the way that you really feel and that can make things complicated when they don't have to be.
3. Have a life outside of the relationship and allow her to do the same thing.
One of the best things about when you are first dating someone is that they always have something new to talk about. That feeling can go away when you have been dating awhile, unless you and she both have a life outside of the couple you have become and that will give you new things to talk about. It also gives you time to feel like you still have an independent side and that is definitely a good thing.
Want to get more relationship advice for men so that you can have a better relationship with your girlfriend?   Click this link to find out more.

10 Kingdom Principles to a Successful Marriage

1. Spend Quality Time Together
In a busy world, the days of most of our lives can easily pass away without taking time to communicate with our spouses. It does not necessarily mean that it is intentional, but it can become a repetition without notice that requires much attention. It is important for married couples to a lot time everyday to spend quality time together.
2. Listen and Communicate Empathetically
Listening to each other can be a unique asset to your marriage. The cares of our lives often prevent married couples from listening to each other with concern and empathy. This also results in unsuccessful communication. When we listen caring, we most often will respond sympathetically. Our communication also will be attuned to our spouse's needs and not our own individual needs. Each party in the marriage must set aside there own selfish needs in order to be responsive to each other needs sympathetically.
3. Be Thankful and Appreciative Mutually
Taking time to say a simple "thank you" for the large and small things is often taken for granted. Married couples often become complacent thinking that each other are required to fulfill task without any affection or appreciation. A simple thing like taking the trash out could be rewarded. Picking up dinner from a restaurant to bring home can be a delightful reason for appreciation. When we express appreciation to each other there is a feeling of warmth inside because we know each other cares.
4. Allow Compassion and Understanding To Rule
It is always nice to have the person that you see as the most intimate to be compassionate and understanding to each others most confidential and essential need. When things are painful it will always be appreciative to have an accepting and considerate shoulder to lean on. You will become each others most soul tide and loving friend. Going beyond the call of duty can increase the chances of pleasing each other.
5. Be Responsive to Each Others Request and Needs
Pay close attention to each others needs. It will show that each other is important in your marriage. Answer the phone when you are able to. If you are not able answer a call, respond back at the next most opportune moment. Prevent having delays to request in your relationship. If there is a task to be performed and circumstances will delay it, provide feed back to each other.
6. Compromise
Be pliable and flexible with each other. Both parties may need to change their ideas or opinions. What may appear to be right may be found to be wrong in the future. Take time to sit and plan together with an open mind. Remember in all things you are to love each other.
7. Voice Concerns Respectfully
Arguments may arise in any relationship. The point is that in marriage each party must practice principles such as not allowing anger to turn into sin. Some time it is best to walk away for a moment to think things out carefully before responding. Before leaving, let the other party know respectfully that you would like to discuss it at another time. Try to stay away from yelling and criticism. Avoid lying, threats, and stonewalling each other. Stay focused on the important things about your marriage by recalling the positive aspects.
8. Take Time for Memorable Moments To Share
Planned events and sharing time together alone can enhance your memorable moments and keep your marriage time special. These benchmarks of your lives together can keep your marriage exciting and refreshed. Making these times together regularly can also add flavor to your union on a regular basis.
9. Share Projects That are Meaningful
Get involved in community events together that are meaningful. For instance if you both are passionate about the environment join a group that performs activities you take interest in together.
10. Repent To Each Other and With God
Above all it is important to be repentant to each other and before God. Saying I am sorry and meaning it is good for the soul. Remember always, that in order to sustain a successful marriage, both parties must be active, participate, and desire a long term relationship as friends and family.

Get Kingdom Empowered... in all of your relationships. Read more articles written by Donna Wortham, about marriage relationships at Kingdom Empowerment Magazine at

The Importance of Family Love

I wonder if someone could explain this in words. No not at all, it is not easy to hold the weight of words describing family love. Yeah but someone can do the job nicely! The one who has departed from his family members or the one who is unable to see the beautiful faces of his parents and siblings. The one who has pulled up stakes from his family will surely realize later, that he has lost something worth caring. They all can feel the importance of Mother love in it's intense form. They can realize the importance of father's intimacy and the confidence of sharing tales with one's siblings.
Though sometimes out of anger and wrath we behave unfriendly but it does not mean that we don't care for each other. Family quarrels are bitter things but are of least importance. We should not care about these few bitter memories but rather we must think about the existing love within our family members.
Actually a family is the building block of a society. Many families when combined give rise to a social network. If the building block of a society is scattered then imagine the bitterness that spoils the whole society! But if the family members are linked to each other with the strong bonds of love and intimacy, a prosperous society will be developed.
Family members are amongst those few people in this present day world, who will genuinely worry about you. They will always be there for you, to fall back upon when you have been disillusioned with the outside world. Though at times it feels that they are interfering too much in your life, it's only because they care for you. If sometimes you feel bad about them, do focus on your mistakes and errors and be sorry for them.
In family life, love plays the role of a magic bullet which helps you to overcome all the difficulties that come across your path. You are able to share all your sorrows and pleasures also with people who really love you and care for you! The love of your family is your ultimate confidence and strength, so take care of your family members and truly love them before it's too late and you have to repent on your carelessness.
"There's no vocabulary for love within a family, love that's lived in but not looked at, love within the light of which all else is seen, the love within which all other love finds speech. This love is silent."

I Want to Get Engaged So Bad! - 3 Things You Can Do

How many times have you told your friends, family and maybe even your man, "I want to get engaged so bad!"? If the number is higher than you can count on your two hands, it's time to quit saying "I want to get engaged so bad!" and do something about it.

If you've never been married before, it's likely that you don't know the first thing about how to get engaged to your boyfriend. Getting a man to propose requires specific tools and knowledge in regard to relationships. After much research, we've compiled a list of 5 effective ways that will make your dream of getting engaged come true!
#1 Tell Your Man How You Feel
One of the hardest things you're going to have to do to get engaged is make sure your man knows exactly how you feel about him. The only way to get the point across clearly is by sitting him down and laying all of your feelings right on the kitchen table. If you don't consider yourself to be a good communicator, this is probably going to be hard, but then again, maybe this is what has been stopping him from proposing in the first place.
If you've been telling him "I want to get engaged so bad!", there are a few important things you must refrain from in this conversation. Don't bring up marriage directly. You don't want this conversation to look like a desperate plea or an ultimatum. Only talk about your feelings. Don't accuse your man of anything or approach the conversation in a threatening manner. Doing any of the above may cause your man to pull away.
#2 Now SHOW Him How You Feel
After you've successfully completed the "talk", it's time to confirm your feelings for him by showing him. Sometimes showing someone how you feel can produce better results than telling someone how you feel. You need to make it a priority each and everyday to show your man how much you care for him and that you're capable of taking care of him for the rest of your life. Men find it very attractive when they see that a woman has the skills and qualities required to care for them.
The best ways to show your man that you care about him is to emphasize on the qualities that fulfill his needs. Does he like home cooked meals? If so, this is your time to shine in the kitchen. Does he like to be reminded throughout the day that you love him? Set a reminder on your phone to text him on a daily basis. You get the point... Find out what he likes in a woman and play that up to your advantage!
#3 Alleviate His Fears
Does this sound like you? "I want to get engaged to my boyfriend but I feel like he is dragging his feet." If so, it's likely that your boyfriend has some kind of commitment issue or fear of getting married. It's your responsibility to alleviate his fears if you ever want him to propose.
The first step in alleviating his fears about marriage is to find out exactly what his scaring him. Maybe he has told you why he doesn't want to get married yet. If he hasn't, try and ask questions that will reveal why he is hesitant on proposing. Once you find out what is stopping him, come up with a plan on how to make him overcome that obstacle!
Looks aren't the only thing! Men aren't that simple and shallow, although there are people who want you to keep believing that. Men are taking into account the entire picture so if you find yourself to be dazzling in other areas such as intelligence and charm or passion, the overall picture that your potential husband sees gets a serious boost. Find a link to a free video on this and more subjects on: Tip: it has something to do with a traffic light but it's not what you think...

Love Tips For Men - Tips to Please Your Woman in Bed

Knowing some ways to please your woman in bed is one great way to be a woman's best lover. Indeed, women love men who know how to give them pleasure - just as what men are probably looking for in a woman. If you want to improve and enhance your sex life with your woman, here are some love tips for men to be a woman's best lover.

- The longer foreplay the better. Learn the many ways to increase your woman's sexual desire and always keep foreplay in mind. Giving a good foreplay is probably the easiest tip you can learn to please your woman in bed. If you want to make her get into the mood of lovemaking, start from the very simple things. It doesn't have to be about the sensitive parts of her body. You can always excite her with compliments, with a little romantic note and even caressing her face or her hair.

- Be romantic. If you are not the romantic type of guy, you may want to learn a few things that can make you more romantic but does not make you feel awkward. Saying I love you in the many creative ways is one of the simplest love tips for men to be appealing to women. Of course, there are ways to be romantic without being cheesy. Giving her a massage or giving her a genuine compliment can be a good start.

- Be a good giver. When it comes to pleasing women in bed, it may be a challenge for men to give what women really want - probably because women have more reservations when it comes to lovemaking. If you are having a hard time deciphering what she wants in bed, go ahead and ask her, but make her comfortable first to open up with you and so you will get a truthful answer.
- Give her the big 'O'. Many women do not reach orgasm during lovemaking, probably because they don't want to open up with their partners on what they really want. If you are a man who can give her satisfaction in bed, you would truly be her best lover. Although women can enjoy lovemaking without going through that intense sexual pleasure, it can definitely make a difference if you can give her an orgasm. Another one of the best love tips for men to keep in mind - learn the woman's body and learn how and where to touch her.
- Forget about measurements, focus on performance. One of the love tips for men to remember in pleasing women in bed is not to be so engrossed about the size of the penis. There may be studies and surveys reinforcing the idea about size and pleasure but it is not all about the size. Performance is always a turn on for many women and if you can learn how to touch and please a woman, for sure she would not even remember about sizes. Learn to overcome premature ejaculation and other erection problems - those are more important than worrying about measurements.
Carolyn Anderson wants to share resources to help you improve your sex life and build a better relationship with your woman. If you want to learn how to please your woman in bed and give her an orgasm, check out be the best lover. Also check out Orgasmology, a site where you can find techniques in pleasing your woman in bed.

Love Tips For Women - How to Get Your Man to Commit

Is there anything more frustrating than dating a man for months or worse, for years, with absolutely no mention of a long term commitment? Some men just don't seem willing to take that walk down the aisle and most of us women are quick to place all that blame on them. It takes two to decide to get married, so maybe it also takes two to sit on the brink of marriage for months or years. If you're feeling stuck in a relationship with a man you love who seems afraid of commitment there are a few love tips for women that you need to be aware of.
One of the best love tips for women in a relationship with a noncommittal man is to focus on your own life. When you make it clear to a man that you are crazy about him, he'll see no reason to keep chasing you. Consider the dynamic of your relationship with your man to this point. There's a very good chance that you tell him often how much he means to you. You're also likely dating him exclusively. Both of these are clear signs to him that he has you. He sees no reason to move things forward if he already has won your heart. You can remedy this by spending more time focusing on yourself and your own interests. Stop being available to him whenever he wants. Make a point of spending evenings out with your girlfriends. Put a little doubt in his mind and he'll start to wonder about you having other options.
Make your own plans for the future. If the man you are with hasn't expressed any views on how he sees his future with you, plan your own future. This can include just about anything from enrolling back in school to upgrade or taking a vacation without him. One of the best love tips for women who want a commitment is take control of your own future. Don't wait for him to decide what you two will be doing next month, next year or in five years. Plan things just for yourself and then let him know. Make no excuses for it. Make it clear to him that you are your number one priority. Once he sees that you are moving forward without considering him, he'll be more inclined to want to commit.
There are specific things that any woman can say and do that will make her man want to commit to her. If you believe that he is the man you are destined to be with there are things you can do right now that will make him feel exactly the same way about you. For more insight into how to get your man to commit to you, visit this Helpful Site!
You don't have to wait for him to decide whether or not he's ready to commit to you. If you are tired of putting your dreams on hold because he's commitment phobic, there are things you can do to make him want to marry you now. Learn right now what you need to do to make him fall to his knees and beg you to marry him.

How Do I Deal With Unrequited Love? Tips for Guys

Unrequited love is probably the hardest kind of love that a guy can try to deal with. When you know that you feel that way towards a woman and you find out that she does not, it has the tendency to leave you feeling WRECKED emotionally. You know that you can't go on feeling like that. Guys who don't find a way to deal with this end up feeling heartbroken or bitter for far too long and that is definitely no way to live.

So, how do you deal with unrequited love if you are a guy?
1. You have to remind yourself that just because this one woman didn't fall in love with you, that doesn't indicate that no woman would.
I think that a lot of guys feel like when their affections are not returned by a woman, it somehow is an indication that other women are going to feel the same way and you have to remind yourself that this is not the case. There are women out there who might fall for you and you just have to remind yourself that one woman is not representative of ALL women out there. Even though it might seem that way right now, that's not the way that it is.
2. You can't keep thinking about her, because you won't be able to move on if you do.
So, the woman you wanted doesn't want you. What are you going to do about it? If you continue to think about her or try to find a way to make her love you, you are not letting yourself move on and in this case, that is probably the best thing that you can do. When you let go of the idea that you can somehow find a way to win her over, you open up the possibility that you might be able to find another woman.
3. Don't come out of a situation like this without learning something so you can do things better the next time around.
Now, doing things better can mean a lot of things. You might find that you need to work on your ability to make a woman feel attracted to you. You may find that you need to find more opportunities to meet women so that you don't get stuck on just one. You may find that what you really need to do is not fall so hard for a woman.
How would you like to find out how to make women feel attracted to YOU?  Go to: Love Tips for Men to find out more about what you need to do.
Copyright (c) 2013 Chris G. Tyler.  All Rights Reserved.

Finding Love That Will Last a Lifetime

Romantic love

-the kind we "fall" into-can happen in an instant. Your entire life can be transformed by the magical meeting of two hearts. Love researchers Ellen Bersheid and Elaine Walster describe passionate love as a "wildly emotional state in which tender and sexual feelings, elation and pain, anxiety and relief, altruism and jealousy coexist in a confusion of feelings."

Romantic love is heady, powerful, painful, passionate, confusing, turbulent, addictive stuff.
Wait. Addictive?
Yes, addictive. In the marvelous book The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom psychologist Jonathan Haidt explains that passionate love affects our brains in the same way as heroin or cocaine. We get high from the experience of loving. With heroin and cocaine, our brains adjust to the increased chemicals that create the high and reestablish equilibrium. The drug effect wears off and it takes more of the drug to get high again. The same is true of romantic love.
In other words, that intoxicating, giddy, euphoric true-love-that-will-last-forever feeling will eventually...end. The drug of passionate love has to wear off because our brains adapt to the increased chemicals that trigger euphoria and so the euphoria fades.
While in the throes of it you believe that your romantic/passionate love will endure forever. Nobody has ever loved as deeply, as purely, as wholeheartedly as you do. Profound poetry and sublime music immortalize your love.
It is, you're certain, true love.
Then it begins to change. The shift can be gradual or sudden. You notice that your beloved's cute habits are actually annoying. That lovely spike of joy you felt at the sound of your beloved's voice is less spiky. The glow is fading.
You begin to doubt that it's true love.
If by "true love" you mean a burning passionate love that will last a lifetime, you're right. It's not. It can't be. Wisdom comes from understanding this. That wisdom can save you a whole lot of heartache.
Haidt writes:
People are not allowed to sign contracts when they are drunk, and I sometimes wish we could prevent people from proposing marriage when they are high on passionate love because once a marriage proposal is accepted, families are notified, and a date is set, it's very hard to stop the train. The drug is likely to wear off at some point during the stressful wedding planning phase, and many of these couples will walk down the aisle with doubt in their hearts and divorce in their future.
Do you think that if passionate love doesn't last, you don't belong together? If so, you could be making a big mistake. You could be walking away from the kind of love that can last a lifetime.
Companionate love

starts slowly and builds over time. It grows from shared experiences, common values, kindness, laughter, trust, vulnerability, emotional transparency.
As the heat and ardor of passionate love subside, you can think clearly again and evaluate where you are with your partner. You might part ways because the rocket fuel is spent. If there's no basis for companionate love, then parting may be the wise choice.
If you find the foundation of companionate love and nurture it, you can have the kind of love that is, indeed, true. Passion can continue as a vital element of your life together. But when a couple says on their 60th anniversary that they're more in love now than ever, companionate love is what they mean.
I heartily recommend reading Jonathan Haidt's The Happiness Hypothesis. Euphoric passionate love comes effortlessly but lasts for only days or months. Companionate love takes care and attention and nurturing but can last the rest of your life.
I hope that you find both with the same person.
Jerilyn Marler is a freelance writing coach and editor with over 35 years of experience. Over the years she has written three books about WordPerfect for MIS:Press, a subsidiary of Henry Holt Publishers; edited dozens of technical books; edited a children's book, a medical text book, and a book on divorce at the same time and managed to stay sane; and has written/edited end user documentation and marketing materials for more products than she can count. She recently launched her own publishing company, Quincy Companion Books, and has published two books that help military families cope with the challenges of deployment separation.

Passionate Love

Being in a relationship can sometimes be out of hand. It is not just like having a crush in grade school or a puppy love in middle school. It is more serious and complicated.

At first, the guy will religiously court the girl. All the necessary efforts is made; from picking up from school or work to going out on dates and giving flowers. Practically everything a girl could ever wish for.
Finally, after all his hard work pays off, they become a couple. The first few months will still be the same, going out on dates and going to places meeting friends. As it goes on, both meet each other's parents and even relatives too.
However, relationships nowadays are not just for companion. Couples have other needs- physical needs, which often lead to pre-marital sex. In some cases, it results in early pregnancy, which the couple is not ready for. For fear of getting lashed by their parents, they try to hide the pregnancy or worse elope. Some even fail to visit the doctor, which is important to pregnant women, and instead self-diagnose using pregnancy kits like elisa test kits.
Unfortunately, pregnancy is not the only consequence of unprotected and pre-marital sex. It can also result in serious health problems such as STD, HIV and Cervical cancer. Statistics today show great increase in people acquiring such diseases; what's more alarming is the age of people recorded to have such diseases.
Most of the time, perhaps because of fear and shame, people self-diagnose and self-treat themselves. They just buy elisa kits and evaluate their own condition. They only go to doctors when the situation is already worse and incurable.
Don't let this happen to you. As adults you must be responsible for your actions. As much as possible, avoid engaging in premarital sex. It may harm your health and your life. There is more to that when it comes to a relationship. Enjoy whatever it is that you have now, then when the right time comes, if ever you both decide to tie the knot, then that's the right time for everything.
Lacey Cormier, a silent but highly focused kind of gal. She's a 20 year-old working student who studies nursing at night and works part-time on a pharmacy during the day. She likes helping customers and referring items like elisa test kits, a new and effective generic drugs and food supplements. She lives in New York.

5 Love Tips for Men To Help You Win Her Love

When you totally feel like you are in love with a woman, it's pretty obvious that you are going to hope that you can make her feel the same way. You don't want to put all of your hopes and dreams into something, only to find out that it is not going to happen, as much as you might want it to. The way that most guys go about trying to win a woman's love, they are dooming themselves to disappointment right from the start and that is pretty unfortunate and it is also pretty commonplace. There is a reason why there are so many songs written and sung about unrequited love by men and that is that there are a lot of men out there who can relate to those lyrics on a personal level. Hopefully, you don't have to be one of those guys who relates to those kinds of songs, because hopefully, you'll be able to successfully win the love of the woman you are enamored with.

Here are 5 love tips for men that should help you win her over so that you don't end up feeling disappointed and dejected at the end of the day:
1. If you want to make her feel like you are the one she should fall in love with, then you need to be able to make her feel like you are unique in some way.
Being able to come across as being unique not only helps you to stand out and get a woman's attention, it also helps you to make her really feel like you might be the one for her. If she thinks you are just like every other guy she has met and knows, then there isn't really much there that is going to indicate to her that you are somehow special and of course, you want to make her feel like you are special if you are hoping that she is going to fall for you. So, one of the things that you really need to look at, is finding a way to make yourself seem unique in her eyes. It doesn't really matter if you are all that unique to the rest of the world, what matters is that SHE sees you that way.
2. You also need to be able to make her feel really serene when she is around you.
I like the word serene, because it is one of those words that really paints a picture and it's easy to understand why making a woman feel that way would make it more likely that she is going to fall for you. The last thing that you would want to make a woman feel is uncomfortable around you if you want her to feel like pairing up with you would be the right thing to do, so being able to make her feel serenity when she is around you is always going to be a good thing. You can do little things that make her feel that way, it doesn't really matter that much what you do, as long as you know how to make her feel really comfortable when she is around you. Kind of like you are her home, the person she can feel incredibly safe with.
3. Making an effort to try and get along with her acquaintances can go a long way.
Even if she does feel attracted to you, you don't want to ruin that by not being able to get along with the people that she is acquainted with. The more you look like a perfect fit for her life, the more likely it is that she is going to end up falling in love with you and making friends with her friends is one way that you can make yourself seem like the perfect fit for her. It might not always be an easy thing to do, as there might be some people that she is acquainted with that you just don't really seem to have much in common with, but at the end of the day if it makes it more likely that she is going to end up falling in love with you - you might as well go with it.
4. Attraction without passion usually doesn't lead to romantic love, so be sure to make her feel passion.
When two people feel an attraction to one another, but they don't really feel much in the way of passion, it usually ends up being a case where they end up more as friends and not as lovers. If you want to be more than friends with a woman and you want to be seen as a guy she can call a lover, then you need to make sure that you are focused on making her feel passion around you. There has to be that spark that really tells her that you are more than just a friend, that you are someone she can have a sensational love life with as well as having that friendship that comes along with it. If you can give her that spark and make her feel that passion, then making her fall in love with you shouldn't be that hard at all.
5. You have to know when to be present with her.
Having that sensation that you are really present when you are around her is key. If she is talking to you and it feels like you are always distant or you are not really paying that much attention to her, she's not going to feel like you and her are really building an intimate connection and that is something that you don't want her to feel at all. Being present with her, being in the moment and really paying attention to her can go a long way and the more often that you are able to make her feel that kind of connection when she is around you, the more likely it is that she is going to end up falling in love with you.
A man who truly knows how to seduce a woman can easily make her feel like she is falling in love.
Go to: Before You Date Her Exclusively to get some ideas on what you need to think about before you conclude that she is the one.
Copyright © 2012 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.