Relationship Advice for Guys - It Can Be a GOOD Thing When It Ends With Her

We are conditioned to almost always look at a relationship ending as being a bad thing. It's usually seen as a shortcoming, or a failure in some way. I don't think that it should be seen that way. Even though most of the time when you break up with a girlfriend, someone will say "What happened and what did you do wrong," that doesn't mean that you have to agree with it being a bad thing. Sometimes it can be a VERY GOOD thing to end a relationship with a woman.

I'll relate a story with you. When I was about 21, I dated a woman who I had met in a class that I was taking and she seemed to be quite the "catch" if you know what I mean. She was good looking, she seemed to have her head on straight, and all in all - it seemed like the perfect situation to have a lasting relationship with her. Things went along smoothly for the first couple of months. However, in time I started to see a side of her that most people wouldn't ever get the chance to see. She was very self centered, even though in social situations she knew how to convey the exact opposite impression.
I broke it off with her.
Friends asked me what I had done wrong. The assumption was that I had let a good girl get away and that must have meant that I had done something wrong. What they didn't know was that she had this very self centered side, because it was a side that they had never really seen at all. Personally, I can't deal with a relationship like that, because everything started to revolve around her and that makes for quite a draining situation.
I look back on that particular break up as being a good one, even though others might have thought differently, all because they didn't have all of the "facts" about her that I did. So, just because a relationship ends with a woman, you don't have to always look at it being a bad thing. If you are with a woman who is draining you emotionally or financially, you'd be smart to end the relationship, contrary to what anyone else might think of the situation.
Don't allow the conditioning that a break up is always a bad thing keep you with a woman you don't really want to be with. They don't have all of the facts that you do, and they don't have to live with the repercussions of staying in a relationship that you don't want to be in. You are the one that has to deal with that. Yes, sometimes ending a relationship with a woman can be a good thing. Remember that.
Need some advice in getting over an ex girlfriend so you can move on? If so, then you may want to read this: Attract a Woman with Words so you are equipped to meet someone else.

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